Welcome to Covenantally.
Covenantally is an adjective to represent the verb "to covenant". Covenantally means to live ones life in accordance with righteous covenants one makes with God.
This blog is written by me, Dale Larsen. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My purpose in writing this blog is just like any other techy Mormon, I like to use my skills to serve my God. I will be writing about anything that helps one to live covenantly.
I am very happily married to my wife, Mychel. We have two children with another on the way.
For a living I am a part-owner of a web development company and I am a web developer. I love what I do. I just started this blog and I haven't had time to design it myself, I just grabbed a pre-designed free one out there. Also, Google has messed up the forwarding for the domain so its going to be blog.covenantly.com for now and may later become just covenantly.com when Google fixes the problem. Update: I will be purchasing the domain covenantally.com and forwarding this one over.